Angel Turner was raised in Charlottesville and is a homeowners services associate at Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville. In 2015 she moved into the mixed-income neighborhood of Burnet Commons III with her son Zechariah.
Why did you move to Burnet Commons III?
Was the location of the neighborhood a factor in choosing it?
It’s been three years since it was built and you moved in, so what do you think? How has it been?
Do you know everybody in the neighborhood?
What helps make a mixed-income community work?
When did Burnet Commons III first start to feel more like a neighborhood than just a group of houses?
Is there any issues that are still being worked out there, anything still in progress?
Should disagreements between mixed-income neighbors be resolved between each other as much as possible, and not involve an outside agency?
Do you feel like it’s your neighborhood?
What advice do you have for future residents of Friendship Court, either current ones or people moving there?
How have you seen Charlottesville change since you were growing up here?
Where would you like to see Charlottesville be as a city in ten years? When your son grows up?