Dan Rosensweig has served as the president and CEO of director of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville since 2009. He served as chair of the planning commission from 2013 to 2015, and currently is a member of the housing advisory committee.
How is Habitat changing its model to address the affordable housing crisis here?
Do you find that poverty here is a generational issue?
How does Habitat conduct its community engagement?
How would a one-stop housing hub be created?
What stood out to you in the Housing Needs Assessment report issued last year?
How do we solve our housing crisis? What options need to be on the table?
How do we move towards more racial and economic equity here?
What role will the wealthier, whiter, neighborhoods have to play?
Does intentional mixed-income housing work?
How does mixed-income housing interact with gentrification?
Can you buy a home at auction in the city and then rehab them and keep them affordable?
Do most of the solutions to provide more affordable housing here require a partnership between for-profit developers, non-profit organizations, and the city?
What role does UVa play in all of this?
Are you optimistic that UVa will step up and contribute something towards a solution?