Mary Carey was the president of the Garrett Square Tenant Association in the late ‘90’s. She moved into the neighborhood soon after it was built in 1978, raising three sons there. She was instrumental in getting streetlights put in and taking the gates partially down. She remains a strong activist in Charlottesville.
What was the Garrett Street neighborhood like before urban renewal? (Pt 1)
What was the Garrett Street neighborhood like before urban renewal? (Pt 2)
What happened in the 1960’s to African-American low-income neighborhoods in Charlottesville?
What do you remember about Miss Marguiretta’s house?
What was your uncle’s house like in the Garrett Street area?
What do you remember about Allen’s Store?
Did you experience racism growing up?
How did you come to live in Garrett Square?
How many jobs did you have to work to make ends meet?
How did you manage to get streetlights installed in Garrett Square?
What do you remember about when the fences went up? (Part 1)
What do you remember about when the fences went up? (Part 2)
How did you get them to open up and take down the fences?
What do you remember about the police shooting a man in Garrett Square?
Were the police racially profiling and discriminating against people?
Will intentional mixed-income housing work in Friendship Court?
Is the Section 8 system of housing broken?
What are the fondest memories you have of Garrett Square?